March 29th 2010;
The Pickens County Tea Party met last week and what an incredible turnout...the month
before we had 95 in attendance and last week we had 206. Contrary to what you hear on
your TV; everyone was very respectful and there was no burned cars or broken windows. However the group did make itself perfectly clear... they were fed up with Washington's miss use
of the power that We The People have given them and we are NOT going to tolerate it anymore and you WILL be held accountable. Don't think we are going away.....we have only just begun!
March 4th 2010:
It seems that things continue to head down the "toilet" in Washington. I don't understand (I really do) why our representatives are not looking at the Constitution when they contemplate solutions to our problems. I am not a rocket scientist but it pretty clear to me, when your trying to make a cake you need the right ingredients and the directions on how to blend those ingredients. Our directions are located in the U.S. Constitution and give us everything we need to get our country back on track; but our leaders in Washington are not interested in taking their lead from our Founding Fathers. Even on Glenn Becks program today, he is asking Judge N. "what can we do to get back on track"; all the Judge said was "do this and do that" but I submit to you those things don't fix the "REAL" problem. George Washington said the most important pillars of our republic were morality, religion and virtue and without these "supports" the greatest nation on earth will surely fail. Glenn the first thing we need to do is get men and women who embrace the constitution and are willing to do the right thing. Where are the George Washington's of today???
February 20th 2010:
Over the past year or so it has become very apparent to me that our country has completely strayed from it's intended path. As I listen to all the pundits repackage the news in an attempt to influence the "herds" of citizens that don't take the time to educate themselves on what it took to make America the greatest nation on earth; it is crystal clear how wise those patriots really were when they stressed an educated citizenry. Let me try to explain what I mean.
The Founding Fathers determined (after much prayer; and if you don't believe that, do a little research and educate yourself) that in order for men/women to be truly free a constitution had to be drafted containing ingredients that when properly mixed resulted in a form of government that perfectly "straddled the fence" between tyranny and anarchy. These ingredients included virtue, religion and morality (if you don't believe that do a little research and educate yourself) and when those ingredients were mixed properly we would end up with the greatest nation on earth. We would be a nation of free men/women able to chart our own course and reap the benefits of our hard work. But remember the success or failure of this "experiment" depended on have the right ingredients; I like to use the example of a chocolate cake; if you don't mix the right ingredients in the right way there is no telling what you will end up with. Or how about a automobile engine; if you try to put gas in an engine that was built to run on jet fuel....guess what ; it won't run. I know it is hard to believe..but there really is a Right and Wrong!!!!
I'm sorry to say but we've lost the recipe for the greatest nation on earth; we don't have men of virtue in Washington and religion and morality are now "whatever feels good to the individual" so what did we expect was going to happen. The America that used to be called "the light on the hill" is now being attacked from every quarter, the values that our Founders fought and died for are not even being taught is schools anymore and WE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF OURSELVES. We have allowed the worst of human nature to fill our halls of Congress and the White House and it's time we stand up for America and take this Great Nation back from those that would seek to rip her to shreds and pick her bones for their own selfish desires.
My family can be traced back to the Revolutionary War and I am proud of that heritage, I am also proud to be called an American, however I am not proud of what America is becoming. I want to leave the same country to my children and grand children that my great, great, great, great grandfather fought so hard to give to me!!! IT'S NOT TOO LATE!!
Rick Lillie
February 20th 2010..
I have been thinking about the topic of political parties for some time now and I want to share my thoughts with you. I retired a year ago and have spent considerable time reading, watching the cable channels and listening to talk radio. One of the things that struck me is that when they talk about politics I feel as though I am listening to a sporting always seems like it's about beating the other party instead of doing what is best for America. In George Washington's farewell speach he warned us about parties being a distraction from doing what's best for America. Thats what excites me about the Tea Party's not about party, it's about the values that made America "the Greatest Nation on Earth".
1 comment:
Let's get together to talk about Duxbury and politics
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